Dr Jane Renehan
M.Dent.Sc., M.B.A. (Hons)
Dental Council reg.no. 0681

When Dr. Jane Renehan established Dental Compliance Ltd, she recognised the need to provide a personalised service for those busy dental practices where dentists find themselves challenged with achieving on-going regulatory and statutory compliance. Radiation protection, infection prevention and control, new surgery design and refurbishment are currently the compliance issues where Jane’s expertise is most frequently sought.

What I do
I work on a confidential basis with practice owners offering a site-specific assessment programme. When I visit practices, I observe first-hand how procedures such as instrument decontamination and radiation audits are being locally managed. The next step in the assessment programme is when I provide a comprehensive written report of my visit identifying findings along with a recommended action plan. The following stage is where I guide the practice owner through their site-specific action plan working initially on immediate/short term action and later the medium to longer term goals. Each practice has individual needs, so each practice solution will be unique.

My aim
Many dentists know me through my work with the Irish Dental Association where for many years I have organised compliance workshops and delivered lectures on a wide range of regulatory topics.
When I meet dentists, I am acutely aware of the stress they face with these complex and often cumbersome compliance responsibilities. My aim is to provide dentists with peace of mind by removing their compliance burden.
Dental Compliance’s goal is to work with dentists to ensure that the challenge of compliance can be simply integrated into their day-to-day practice work.

My experience
My 20 years as a Principal Dental Surgeon in HSE North Dublin gave me a good insight to dealing with statutory bodies and clinical regulations. Over this period, I developed ways of simplifying complex clinical standards into routine processes.
My areas of expertise include Radiation Protection, Infection Prevention and Control, Non-Clinical Risk Management, Practice Governance, Patient Safety and Quality Assurance.

Professional participation
Jane is a long-standing member of the Irish Dental Association’s Quality & Patient Safety Committee. Jane is also on the Council of European Dentists (CED) which is the association of national dental associations in Europe. She is Chair of the very busy CED Dental Materials and Medical Devices Working Group in Brussels and is a member of the CED’s Working Group on Patient Safety and Infection Control.

Since qualification from Dublin Dental University Hospital (1980), Jane worked exclusively in the Health Service Executive. In the mid-90s she returned to the Dublin Dental Hospital taking up the full-time position of Lecturer in Dental Public Health while studying for both a Master’s in Dental Science (1997) and Master’s in Business Administration at the Smurfit Business School (1998).