Dental Compliance – when is the best time to review your processes?
Is it after or before starting a new employee?
Recently a dentist / practice owner asked me to reschedule my practice compliance review until after a new dental nurse commenced work in the practice. Whereas this may have seemed a pragmatic approach I cautioned against it.
Why: bad habits can set in from day 1. Trying to change behaviour can be an uphill struggle.
Who: employers should prepare an induction training plan before any new employees starts work.
When: newly recruited dental nurses require prompt introduction and training in practice protocols for infection prevention and control, health and safety, and emergency incident management.
How: newly recruited dental nurses should be allowed time to review this documentation. Then s/he should sign a statement indicating that practice policies, protocols and procedures have been read, understood and will fully comply with.
What: induction plans should promote effective and safe workplace integration by welcoming the employee and prepares him/her for their new role. Staff’s wellbeing is enhanced when they feel safe in their place of employment. Happy staff provide quality, safe care to happy patients.
My view: Get it right from the start. The best time to review your dental practice’s compliance processes is before not after you take on a new employee.
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